Plant a Billion Trees

One dollar, one tree, one planet.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ReLeaf's First Tree Planting 03-31-07

"On Saturday, March 31, twenty volunteers braved the wind and rain to plant 1400 white pine and short leaf pine seedlings. The project was coordinated by Courtney Denning of ReLeaf for OHIO and Sonia Marcus, Resource Conservation Coordinator at OU with help from the First Presbyterian Church of Athens.

The seedlings used in this tree planting project were provided by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry. Every year, the State Tree Nursery produces and sells two million trees. These trees, called “Ohio Conservation Seedlings” serve a variety of purpose from fueling the pulp wood markets for paper, to growing wildlife habitat, preventing erosion and adding color and character to backyards around the state and beyond.

The seedlings planted in this project will help to stabilize the soils along the highway. They will absorb storm water thereby reducing flooding along Richland Ave. They will make the south entrance into the City of Athens more green and appealing. Ohio's Conservation Seedlings are unique in that seed is collected locally in Ohio from desirable trees that have shown longevity and productivity over decades. The seedlings then have the right genetics to withstand local conditions that include odd Ohio weather and various pests and diseases."

- Ann Bonner, Urban Forester, ODNR Division of Forestry

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